If you want some further reading, Marion Jacobson’s Atlantic Article “The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Ukulele” (2015) provides an interesting on the subject of the instrument (https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/01/though-it-be-little-the-rise-of-the-ukulele/384453/).
Gisa Jähnichen goes into greater depth on the subject in “The History of the Ukulele ‘Is Today,’” from the 2017 book A Distinctive Voice in the Antipodes: Essays in Honour of Stephen A. Wild edited by Kristy Gillespie, Sally Treloyn and Don Niles and published by the ANU Press of the Austrualian National University (https://press-files.anu.edu.au/downloads/press/n2451/pdf/ch14.pdf). Jähnichen’s reference list provides for an even greater range of reading.
Of course, the most fun with a ukulele involves playing one (or several). Guitar Tex stocks a range of instruments from Ohana, Magic Fluke, KoAloha, Kremona, and more — and we can special order instruments including Martin’s line of ukuleles.